How we do it
Domestic wastewater purification and reusing them back to the ecosystem is one of the major activities we do. We have our own technology and at the same time have access to the technology of Veolia Water, a French-based largest water management company in the world. Our domestic wastewater purification systems can be conventional direct aerobic, anaerobic cum aerobic, MBBR, SBR, MBR, or hybrid versions depending on our clients’ requirements. These are optimized to minimize sludge bulking risks (caused by filamentous microorganisms), which can be observed in most conventional compact systems. Further, we can meet stringent client-specific water quality parameters with membrane technology coupled with activated sludge or hybrid domestic wastewater purification
systems which lead to higher energy efficiency and lower operating cost. In combination with our own experience, continuous R&D inputs, and with the expertise of Veolia, we are capable of catering to the domestic wastewater purification market starting from 2m3 /day plug-and-play packaged plants up to the municipal wastewater treatment plants. We have modular type domestic wastewater treatment plants with provisions for future expansion requirements. One of the key elements we have developed is that we encourage our clients to reuse treated domestic wastewater at least for gardening purposes as much as possible in order to contribute towards the optimum balance of the water cycle.
Our Solutions
Our pledge to keep a clean and safe community
Our pledge to keep a clean and safe community
A sustainable and ecological water system is one of the major assets we have and we are continuously making efforts to safeguard it by treating the domestic wastewater up to the environmentally-accepted level and reusing them as much as possible in order to maintain the optimum balance of the ecosystem. Not only for humans, we extend our services to provide a healthy and happier living space for animals too. Water that Hippopotamus living in the National Zoo of Sri Lanka is continuously purified by us to provide them a better place to live.